1  import java.util.Scanner;
  2  import java.util.Stack;
  4  /**
  5     This program evaluates arithmetic expressions, using two stacks.
  6  */
  7  public class ExpressionCalculator
  8  {
  9     public static void main(String[] args)
 10     {  
 11        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
 12        System.out.print("Enter an expression: ");
 13        String expression = in.nextLine().replace(" ", "");
 15        Stack<Integer> numstack = new Stack<Integer>();
 16        Stack<Character> opstack = new Stack<Character>();
 18        int pos = 0;
 19        while (pos < expression.length())
 20        {  
 21           char ch = expression.charAt(pos);
 22           pos++;
 23           if (isOperator(ch))
 24           {  
 25              if (opstack.size() == 0) { opstack.push(ch); }
 26              else
 27              {  
 28                 char oldOp = opstack.pop();
 29                 if (precedence(ch) > precedence(oldOp)) { opstack.push(oldOp); }
 30                 else { evaluateTop(numstack, oldOp); }
 31                 opstack.push(ch);
 32              }
 33           }
 34           else if (ch == '(') { opstack.push(ch); }
 35           else if (ch == ')')
 36           {  
 37              boolean done = false;
 38              while (!done)
 39              {  
 40                 if (opstack.size() == 0) { error("No matching ("); }
 41                 char oldOp = opstack.pop();
 42                 if (oldOp == '(') { done = true; }
 43                 else { evaluateTop(numstack, oldOp); }
 44              }
 45           }
 46           else if (Character.isDigit(ch))
 47           {
 48              int start = pos - 1;
 49              while (pos < expression.length() 
 50                 && Character.isDigit(expression.charAt(pos))) { pos++; }
 51              String num = expression.substring(start, pos);
 52              numstack.push(Integer.parseInt(num));
 53           }
 54           else { error ("Number, operator, or parenthesis expected."); }
 55        }
 56        while (opstack.size() > 0)
 57        {  
 58           char oldOp = opstack.pop();
 59           if (oldOp == '(') { error("No matching )"); }
 60           else { evaluateTop(numstack, oldOp); }
 61        }
 62        if (numstack.size() == 0) { error("Syntax error"); }
 63        System.out.println(numstack.pop());
 64        if (numstack.size() > 0) { error("Syntax error"); }
 65     }
 67     /**
 68        Tests if a token is an operator.
 69        @param s the token
 70        @return true if s is one of: + - * / ^
 71     */
 72     public static boolean isOperator(char ch)
 73     {  
 74        return ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/';
 75     }
 77     /**
 78        Prints an error message and exits.
 79        @param message information about the error
 80     */
 81     public static void error(String message)
 82     {  
 83        System.out.println("ERROR: " + message + ".");
 84        System.exit(1);
 85     }
 87     /**
 88        Computes the precedence level of an operator.
 89        @param s the operator
 90        @return the precedence level (1 = lowest, 3 = highest)
 91     */
 92     public static int precedence(char ch)
 93     {  
 94        if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { return 1; }
 95        else if (ch == '*' || ch == '/') { return 2; }
 96        else { return 0; }
 97     }
 99     /** 
100        Computes a new value and pushes it on the stack.
101        @param num the stack for the operands and result
102        @param op the operation to use
103     */
104     public static void evaluateTop(Stack<Integer> num, char op)
105     {  
106        if (num.size() == 0) { error("Syntax error"); }
107        int y = num.pop();
108        if (num.size() == 0) { error("Syntax error"); }
109        int x = num.pop();
110        int z = 0;
111        if (op == '*') { z = x * y; }
112        else if (op == '/')
113        {  
114           if (y == 0) { error("Divide by 0"); }
115           else { z = x / y; }
116        }
117        else if (op == '+') { z = x + y; }
118        else if (op == '-') { z = x - y; }
119        else { error("Syntax error"); }
120        num.push(z);
121     }
122  }