1  import java.util.Scanner;
  3  /**
  4     This class processes baby name records.
  5  */
  6  public class RecordReader
  7  {
  8     private double total;
  9     private double limit;
 11     /**
 12        Constructs a RecordReader with a zero total.
 13     */
 14     public RecordReader(double aLimit)
 15     {
 16        total = 0;
 17        limit = aLimit;
 18     }
 20     /**
 21        Reads an input record and prints the name if the current total is less 
 22        than the limit.
 23        @param in the input stream
 24     */
 25     public void process(Scanner in)
 26     {
 27        String name = in.next();
 28        int count = in.nextInt();
 29        double percent = in.nextDouble();
 31        if (total < limit) { System.out.print(name + " "); }
 32        total = total + percent;
 33     }
 35     /**
 36        Checks whether there are more inputs to process
 37        @return true if the limit has not yet been reached
 38     */
 39     public boolean hasMore()
 40     {
 41        return total < limit;
 42     }
 43  }