1  /**
  2     This class describes pyramids with a square base.
  3  */
  4  public class Pyramid
  5  {
  6     private double height;
  7     private double baseLength;
  9     /**
 10        Constructs a pyramid with a given height and baselength.
 11        @param height the height
 12        @param baseLength the length of one of the sides of the square base
 13     */
 14     public Pyramid(double height, double baseLength)
 15     {
 16        this.height = height;
 17        this.baseLength = baseLength;
 18     }
 20     /**
 21        Gets the volume of this pyramid.
 22        @return the volume
 23     */
 24     public double getVolume()
 25     {
 26        return height * baseLength * baseLength / 3;
 27     }
 29     /**
 30        Gets the surface area of this pyramid.
 31        @return the surface area, not including the base
 32     */
 33     public double getSurfaceArea()
 34     {
 35        double sideLength = Math.sqrt(height * height 
 36           + baseLength * baseLength / 4);
 37        return 2 * baseLength * sideLength;
 38     }
 39  }